Coastal area between Kanoni and Mesoggi villages
The area is located in the east part of Kerkyra Island including the coastal sea area between Kanoni and Mesoggi villages. In the area of Kanoni the water is shallow, and little exposed with smooth rocks at a
depth of 0.5 m, and a few fairly secluded pools. The rocks are psammitic. Among the upper rocks the marine phanerogam Cymodocea nodosa grows on sandy substrate. The beds of Posidonia oceanica
expand at depths below 1.5 m southwards to Mesoggi. In this area the sea bottom is stony and sandy with stones and rocks of all sizes. The Phaeophyceae predominate while the dominance of the
Cystoseiretum crinitae community. Source: Natura2000 viewer, European Comission.

Corfu Island