Mt. Ainos, Mt. Agia Dynati and Mt. Kalon Oros
Kefalonia is the biggest island in the Ionian region and Mt. Ainos is the highest Ionian mountain with an altitude exceeding 1,600 m. It is a well known mountain, not only due to its altitude but also due to the presence of the famous Abies cephalonica forest which is the main element of the vegetation cover in the highest altitude of this mountain. Abies cephalonica is a Greek endemic species and Mt. Ainos is its "locus classicus". The area of this site consists of three main habitats as follows: a) The Abies forest, very often at moderate altitudes mixed with species of macchie vegetation; b) the rocky slopes which are characterized by looser vegetation but with only a few very important species, and c) the rocky summit and unforested area which houses most of the endemic species of the Kefalonian and Ionian flora. The area of the site has been characterized as a National Park. From a geological point of view, limestones and dolomites constitute the bedrock of Mt. Kalon Oros. The slopes of south and southwest exposure have steep gradients whilst all other slopes are characterized by gentle gradients. The vegetation cover presents a low diversity since it is mainly composed of macchia with the dominant species of Quercus coccifera, Pistacia lentiscus and Arbutus unedo. Macchia vegetation is very dense on eastern and northern exposed slopes, while on the south and southwestern slopes it is very sparse. In higher altitudes up to the peak, rocky grasslands with sparse individuals of Quercus coccifera occur on the west exposed slopes. These areas were cultivated in the past (olive trees, vineyards) but are now abandoned. Source: Natura2000 viewer, European Comission.
Kefalonia Island