Strofades Islets (Stamfani and Arpia) and Coastal Marine Area
This site includes two small islands located 27 miles south of the southern coast of Zakynthos island and 28 miles western of the Peloponnisos coast (Katakolo region). Geological evidence suggests that the
Strofades islands have an oceanic origin i.e. risen out from the sea, unlike the majority of the Greek islands and islets, which are considered to be chersogenous (remnants of the old Greek continent). This
area is also interesting from a paleontological point of view, since fossil records of a Miocenic and or Pliocenic fauna have been found. This area also shows archaeological interest, since on the larger islet
there is a very old monastery which was built up in the middle of the 13th century. Nowadays the islands are almost uninhabited but undoubtedly, during the past time when the monastic community was very
active, the majority of the natural vegetation was destroyed in favour of the cultivation of cereals, vegetables, fruit-trees etc. Nowadays, natural vagetation characterized by giant trees of Juniperus
phoenicea, Quercus coccifera, Pistacia lentiscus etc. is restricted in one part of the bigger island. Strofades is an islet complex consisting of the islets of Stamfani and Arpyia, as well as their surrounding
rocks, These remote volcanic islets are located 25 n.m. south of Zakynthos island and west of the Peloponnese. They are among the most distant islets to mainland Greece and are surrounded by the
deep waters of the Ionian Sea. The low-lying rocky coast of the islets provides ideal shearwater nesting sites, A monastery dating back to the beginning of the previous millennium is located on the larger islet,
its land extending over a large area of cultivated fields in the centre of the Island. The site includes a 2.7 n.m, marine extension around Strofades. The deep waters of the adjacent Hellenic Trench provide ideal
environment conditions for cetaceans, such as the Sperm Whale, the Curvier's Beaked Whale and all three dolphin species, which are frequently observed in the area. Source: Natura2000 viewer, European Comission.