In ancient Sami
In Ancient Sami: Sami - Antisamos - Acropolis - Sami The walker’s orientation and safety is solely their responsibility. The present report, the relevant tracks (gpx) and the rest of the informational material are just supplementary. The proper equipment is necessary, depending on the weather conditions and the nature of the route.  Route’s type: circular Route’s duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes Route’s length: 8,000 metres Level of difficulty: easy Suggested season: All seasons, weather conditions permitting. During summer, you should avoid midday hours. The route The route starts from the centre of Sami where we head along the coast, and after passing the harbour, we follow a north-easterly direction until we meet the asphalt road leading to the popular beach of Antisamos. We continue our slightly uphill path from the main asphalt road with a beautiful view of northern Kefalonia and the strait of Kefalonia - Ithaca, where after a beautiful and relaxing asphalt track of about three kilometers, we arrive at the point where we enjoy an uninterrupted view of the bay and the beach of Antisamos, Psili Rachi and Mytikas. From this point, we descend to the organized and beautiful beach of Antisamos with its clear waters and bars (in summer it is recommended to bring your swimsuit). At the beginning of the beach, where the bus stop is located at the bend in the road, the path starts. Its start is not very distinct due to the various signs that are present. The path is marked with two lines, blue and white, and proceeds easily, first past a wire fence of some property and then uphill, in a shady environment at first, between Skala and Ambelaki, the two hills of the area. As you climb the vegetation becomes lower and lower so that when you reach the top of the junction there are few shadows. At the junction we have two options: a) either to continue on our way to Agios Fanentes, b) or to do this, but after first visiting the site of the acropolis of ancient Sami, located to the west. The acropolis site dominates the hill of Skala, which is practically opposite us. After the acropolis, we head south towards Agios Fanentes and the ruins of the old monastery. Along the way the view towards Sami and the strait of Kefalonia - Ithaca is excellent. From Agios Fanentes the nature of the route changes. The path becomes narrow and downhill and needs attention. The signposting remains the same (blue and white line), while as we descend the environment becomes increasingly overgrown and shady. After a quite steep descent, in about 900 meters we go down about 200 meters of altitude (average gradient 22%), we reach the upper side of Sami, where through Priamos Street, we reach the point from where we started our route. The duration of the march is about two and a half hours, not counting the stops - visits of the various sights of the route (Antisamos, Acropolis of Sami, etc.). As a circular route, it can also be done from the reverse of the proposed direction, which is not recommended, because in this case the initial ascent from Sami to the ruins of the monastery is steeply uphill. In Kefalonia there are Health Centres in Sami and Hospitals in Argostoli and Lixouri. There are also police services in Fiskardo, Sami, Poros, Lixouri and Argostoli. Citizen Service Centres are in Argostoli, Livathou, Poros and in Agia Efthimia. Sami Sami is the largest town in eastern Kefalonia and an important port of the island, as it is the daily connection with Patras, Astakos and Ithaca. It is also a popular tourist destination. According to the 2011 census, it has 1,025 inhabitants  It has been inhabited since prehistoric times. In ancient times it was one of the four largest cities that made up the Kefalonian quadrilateral. Nature has been particularly generous to the area of Sami, as it is surrounded by lush vegetation, underground caves and beautiful lakes. Antisamos  It is the bay next to the port of Sami, to the east. Antisamos is a pebbly beach, long and wide, with waters that look green, reflecting the environment around the bay: green hills and mountains, covered with holly and cypress trees. For this reason, it is also known as the mirror beach. On the opposite side, the blue sea meets the equally green southern part of Ithaca. Antisamos became the setting for some of the most important and impressive scenes of the Hollywood production "Captain Corelli's Mandolin", which was filmed in Kefalonia in the summer of 2000 and was shown in cinemas all over the world, making the area famous.  Acropolis of Sami Perched on Mount Lapitha, the Ancient Acropolis of Sami offers a panoramic view of the homonymous port. With a history dating back to the Palaeolithic period, ancient Sami was a walled city, an autonomous and sovereign state with its own currency. The origins of the city-state can be traced back to the Geometric period. It was a prosperous city, with many inhabitants, due to its developed trade. Its two acropolises, the extensive fortification and the classical city occupy two hills, at the sites of 'Paleokastro' and 'Agii Fanentes', which are located east of the modern settlement of Sami. In 188 BC, after a four-month siege, it was occupied by the Romans and experienced its second period of prosperity. It acquired public buildings, baths and public works, while its private residences are very luxurious with mosaic floors. Its four cemeteries yield rich and impressive finds. Monastery of Agii Fanentes Within the walls of the acropolis of the classical city of Sami, the monastery of Agii Fanentes was built before 1264, when it was first officially mentioned. The name of the monastery, from which the hill it was built on was renamed, Agii Fanentes, seems to have been derived from a corruption of Agii Neophanis, the saints of Sami, Theodore, Gregory and Leo. According to another version , the name of the monastery is related to the 2nd century AD gnostic philosopher Epiphanis, who was venerated as a god in Sami.  Although the ruins date back to the post-Byzantine period, during which it was renovated (1633), built-in architectural elements in the Catholic Church indicate the existence of a church of the Middle Byzantine period. The complex follows the typical Byzantine layout with the cells arranged in a quadrilateral enclosure and the catholic, free inside. The walls and the incorporation of the ancient fortification tower into the building testify to the need to protect the monastery from pirate attacks, which plagued the island during the Frankish and Venetian periods.  The miraculous icon of Agii Fanentes and the icon of the Virgin Mary Glykofilousas, the so-called "Loutrou ", are located in the new Church of the Virgin Mary in Sami. During the route, the walker will encounter QR information signs at the following points: a) at a central point in Sami (Priamou + Akti Miaouli), b) in Sami (port exit), c) on the road to Antisamos (after Loutro beach), d) on the road to Antisamos (at the viewpoint), e) at the start of the path from Antisamos, f) at the end of the path from Antisamos (where it meets the asphalt road), g) at the parking area of the Monastery of Agii Fanentes in Sami, where the path meets the asphalt road
In ancient Sami
Kefalonia Island