Trekking at Vikos
Vikos gorge in numbers: this rare geological miracle has a length of 20 kilometers, cliffs that range from 450m to 1,600m deep and a width from 400m to a mere few, at its narrowest part. Of its total length, more than half lies within the Vikos-Aoos National Park zone and is characterized by abrupt altitudinal changes. The steep slopes and precipitous, rocky cliffs that dominate its middle and higher zones are all the result of the erosion by river Voidomatis that has been carving the rock for millions of years. A typical trek at Vikos starts at the picturesque stone-built village of Monodendri and, although it is a rewarding experience, it is not for everybody. An experienced trekking team would take a good 5-hour-long trek to cover the 13 kilometers through the gorge, from Monodendri to Mikro- or Megalo-Papigo villages; someone with an average physical condition should calculate between 7 and 9 hours, to be on the safe side. The trail is marked but as you get lower, from Monodendri to the riverbed, some markings may be missing. You can easily find your way through, especially in the summer months when the trail is traveled by many other hikers, but an easier approach – and one that will leave you with more time to marvel around you – is to hire a guide. You would not only save time and effort but will also learn about the gorge’s history, geology, botanical diversity, and ecosystem. After all, if it is going to take you a full 8 or 9 hours, you beter spend the daylight and your stamina enjoying the trail rather than roaming around in circles trying to find your way.
Trekking at Vikos
Vikos canyon